Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Mickey Party #2

Still working out the kinks here!  But to continue on with the food for the Mickey party...

We held her party at lunchtime in the play gym at the local YMCA, so I knew we would go pretty light on food since the kiddos would be super busy having fun!  But I did make a few yummy treats...the most popular of which were the dipped Oreo mickey cookies!  Pretty easy to make once I got the hang of it!
I used melting chocolate, regular sized Oreos and mini Oreo halves to make these cookies.  The trick was scraping off the inside of the mini Oreos to get a flat disc (using the side of a small bowl really helped).  Also be sure to assemble the cookies on wax paper so they come off easily after they are chilled!  I just used a little melted chocolate to adhere the ears, then covered with the top of the cookie.  I dipped about half of these in a bowl of melted chocolate, and left the other half just cookie.  Once they were chilled in the fridge I packed each one in a plastic Baggie with a decorative twist tie...voila, delicious favors!!
The cupcakes were similar, but I had my VIB (very important baker) to help me out!

Mickey Mouse Party

Ok...so here goes, my first actual post about something I really did!!  
My little G recently celebrated the big #4! After switching themes a few times (passing over a Willy Wonka party to my dismay) she settled on a Mickey Mouse theme.  My personal preference is to not go 100% commercial...so to the web I went to get creative. Some of these are my own ideas, but I can't take all the credit :-)
Invitations were photo cards with circles reminiscent of Mickey ears, super cute, and we addressed them with bingo marker stamps in the corner.
Goodie bags were fun, the girls helped glue the circles on paper bags and we stuffed them with Mickey tins, silly bands, and stickers we found at the dollar store.  Each bag also got a dipped Mickey Oreo cookie (see recipe below).

Monday, December 10, 2012

So...this is us...

So....this is us, 

Just you every day average American family.  Two kids, white picket fence, and food allergies!  I tried to start this blog a few years ago when we found out that both our little girls had allergies...only to then realize that I had two kids under 2 and way too much other stuff to deal with!  Now here I am again, girls napping, looking on pinterest, thinking I should really have a blog of my own!  Hopefully as I get better acquainted with the tech side of things, this blog will start looking a lot better...but until then what you see is what you get :-)